Music ·
IAMYBKOFFICIAL undertands his time is now

You can replace money, but not time.
No one lives forever. Time is life’s most valuable commodity, and it can never be duplicated. People travel their entire lives searching for purpose, peace, and destiny. Time waits for no one, and we all have 100 years or less to change the world.
Being young is a beautiful period in a person’s life. Having limitless energy, bravery, boldness, and fearless dreams is priceless. Youth culture is unflinching and unapologetically audacious. Young people shape, enhance, and empower the next generation of leaders.
IAMYBKOFFICIAL is a leader in the new school of Hip-Hop
When a child is born, they are not aware of the danger, fear, or anything adverse. Children enter the world in life’s purest form. Children develop into their destiny once their purpose is identified. Major Recording Artist IAMYBKOFFICIAL represents the new face of Generation Z in Hip-Hop. ,IAMYBKOFFICIAL is naturally gifted in music, emotional intelligence, and raw, energetic vibration.
His lyrics illuminate his multi-diverse childhood and mental make-up. IAMYBKOFFICIAL’s life perspectives, personal beliefs, and inner willpower empower his distinctive music catalog.
IAMYBKOFFICIAL reflects the new wave of self-made in 2022. IAMYBKOFFICIAL thriving music brand includes a record label, TV/Film, and global merchandising divisions. Tomorrow is not promised to anyone. IAMYBKOFFICIAL time is now.
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