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March is national nutrition month! There is a ton of confusion on nutrition in the media. There are a million diets, some are fads, some...
I was watching the Netflix documentary, All Lights, Everywhere, and a huge down load came through. Heres what I was told. Black holes are...
Event planning does not have to be a difficult process, as long as it is thoroughly planned out and done correctly. This article will...
Happy Valentine's Day everybody!! This is America's appointed day to celebrate love, and to show appreciation for your romantic partner....
Here are some get in the mood foods and why they benefit your health! While we all know that oysters are and aphrodisiac food, do you know why? They are high in Zinc which increases testosterone and dopamine (sex enhancers)
BENEFITS OF BURDOCK: •Diuretic •Blood purifier •Helps to treat skin conditions such as acne, psoriasis, and eczema to name a few. •Helps...